Folder 4
Contains 233 Results:
List of places visited by Joseph Wolff. Requested by George Washington Doane. Pages 51-53.
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: I
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
Sermon preached by George Washington Doane at Joseph Wolff’s Ordination, and a request to publish it. Pages 147-153.
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: I
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
List of people who bought his book, Joseph Wolff, Missionary. Pages 153-160.
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: I
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
Numerated references, including a time line of Joseph Wolff’s travels. Pages 160-162.
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: I
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
Address given by George Washington Doane regarding Joseph Wolff. Page 162.
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: I
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
Excerpt from the minutes of the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews meeting where they found that Joseph Wolff was no longer able to act in accordance with the Society. Jan 26, 1831. Page 196.
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: I
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
List of subscribers to the work of Rev. Joseph Wolff. Found in the back pages of Book Two. [11 pages]
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: I
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
1837 Jul 1. Joseph Wolff to Georgiana Wolff. [Book 2, pages 25-26]
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: II
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01
1837 Aug 26. George R. Gleddon to Joseph Wolff. [Book 2, page 69]
Item — Folder: 4
Identifier: II
1795-01-01 - 1862-01-01