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Raymond F. Cottrell Papers

Identifier: Collection 238

Content Description

This is a very extensive collection of well over 250 scholarly papers, the vast majority of them written by Cottrell. There are papers covering the topics of hermeneutics, exegesis, church polity, governance, and history, Daniel, Revelation, Ellen White, science, plus many others. Cottrell surely had a wide range of interests and seemingly an input on almost every subject which became current in the second half of the 20th century. Nearly all of the papers are unpublished meaning they were designed for limited circulation. Many of the papers were prepared for distribution to a church sponsored study group or committee such as the Bible Research Fellowship or the Biblical Research Institute. Perhaps one of Cottrell’s greatest contributions to the Adventist Church was his work on the authoritative <title>Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary</title> series. As mentioned above he served as the associate editor of the series along with editor Francis D. Nichol. Besides editing many thousands of pages of other peoples work he wrote about 2,000 pages. The Commentary articles are not signed. Cottrell provides a list of the various authors and what books of the Bible they contributed to on the project. A significant work of Cottrell’s which is not well known is his <title>Eschatology of Daniel.</title> It is at number 222 in the inventory. It was never formally published. Cottrell says the manuscript awaits a climate of openness and objectivity in the church, which is essential to a fair examination of the facts.”

Acquisition Type



Raymond F. Cottrell originally donated the collection to the Loma Linda University Department of Archivesand Special Collections. The date of that donation is not known though it was after 1996. In 2005 theAndrews University Center for Adventist Research asked the Loma Linda University Department of Archivesand Special Collections to make a photocopy of the collection. This was done. It should also be noted that at the time of Cottrell's original donation to Loma Linda that some of thedocuments listed in Cottrell's inventory were missing from the collection. Such instances are noted by theheading "Empty folder" in the register.

Restrictions Apply


Use Restrictions

All users of this collection are required to complete the “Application to Use Unpublished Records,” and toobserve the regulations specified in the “Patron’s Agreement” and the “Researcher’s Code of Conduct.” Allrecords in this collection are open and available for research. The suggested citation for this collection is: # ________, Raymond F. Cottrell Collection (collection 238), Center for Adventist Research, JamesWhite Library, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.



THE KEYNOTE OF MY LIFE OF SERVICE TO THE CHURCH In retrospect the keynote of my forty-seven years of active service to the church and twenty-five in activeretirement is reflected in the Apostle Paul̓s admonition to Timothy: “Do your best to present yourself to God asone approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth” (2 Timothy2: 15), first by example and then corporately with and for the church. Let us begin with papers designed toencourage the church in corporate study based on sound principles of exegesis.